Video Is An Integral Part Of Raising Mental Health Awareness

May is Mental Health Awareness month — and that means it is time to face some pretty difficult truths about mental health and mental health treatment in the U.S. “Almost two-thirds of people with a mental disorder won’t seek treatment” and “a 2014 study showed that stigma is the top reason people with mental illness choose not to seek care,” according to Yahoo Health. On top of these disturbing facts, adults are not the only ones who suffer from mental illness. One in five children also struggle with a serious mental condition, and they, like their adult counterparts, rarely get the treatment and care they need.

Getting Children The Treatment They Need
Comedy Writer Jenny Jaffe, 24, recently launched a campaign called “Project UROK” (you’re okay) to open up an honest and direct dialogue with young Americans and teens about some of the most common mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and suicidal thoughts. UROK launched on May 1 with 40 videos from young adults who know exactly what troubled teens are experiencing — as they have struggled with depression, anxiety, and more themselves. Former child actress Mara Wilson is just one of the adults opening up about her experiences, reassuring young Americans that they are not alone, and urging them to start a discussion and get any help that they may need.

Are Telehealth Solutions And Telehealth Technologies The Solution?
Project UROK is not the only mental health initiative taking advantage of the Internet and video. In fact, much more complex, telehealth technologies — such as telepsychiatry software — hope to bring mental health services to patients in remote areas and to patients who simply do not wish to face the stigma of an in-person appointment. And, so far, it’s working. Telepsychiatry and telemedicine (i.e., video therapy sessions) boast impressive results — a significant percentage of patients (92%) faithfully keeping appointments and booking future sessions (vs. the 87% who show up to face-to-face sessions).

The telehealth industry and telemental health technologies will reach a projected value of $1.9 billion in 2018 — and a large portion of that comes from telepsychiatry. Video, such as Project UROK, and telepsychiatry sessions are raising awareness about mental health and helping more patients get treatment.
